This morning we met with Doug Orbaker and started talking about some of the history of CEPAD and then some of the things CEPAD is accomplishing in Nicaragua. We were soon joined by Yelba Rivera, which some of you my remember from the September Presbytery meeting, and later on by Carl Agsten and Leslie Clay. Doug and Carl gave a detailed view of how CEPAD came about and what they've done over the years. The thing I realized is that CEPAD is into the long term solutions much like the "feed a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for life". It has given me a new outlook on mission work. So many times we look at mission work as "what can I do to help" or "what can I do to fix this?" We tend to want to be the doctor with the miracle cure that will make it all better. How much better it is to look at it as "what can we do together to help change this situation" or "what can we do together to make this better?" Lord, help us to put side any false pride we may have in ourselves as problem solvers and be willing to work side by side with people in making the world a better place to be.
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