First Day

Rise and shine, it's a new day.  It's about 5:40 am.  Birds are chirping and the day is calling our names.  Today we will be having breakfast and then orientation.  Afterward we will get an introduction to CEPAD; it's history and ministry.  Lunch around noon followed by something called Coyuntura by Aynn Setright.  Coyuntura stands for circumstances so perhaps it will be a chance to hear about what is happening here in Nicaragua.  Later on we'll get a tour of the city and then at 4:30 it will be Esperanza en Accion - Hope through Action.  Not sure what it is all about but I like the name.


Lord, gives us your eyes that we may see the world as you see it.  Give us arms that are willing to reach out and embrace those you send in our direction.  Give us feet that are willing to carry us where you would have us walk and a voice that proclaims the hope that is in you.  Keep our hearts fixed on Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.  Amen.

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